Patient in one system is the same patient in another system, The Master Patient Index, Introduction

health-information-analytics-series-posts-logoOne forum in a regional eHealth Information Network of which I am a subscribed member, has been actively having an open discussion of a subject of public interest in health Information Technology (IT) analytics in their public ListServ lists, this time around about the Master Patient Index (MPI).

It seems appropriate to me to talk about MPI and share what is in that forum that I can blog here, in a new series of blog posts named Health Information Analytics Series (HIAS), on MPI for the benefit of Medical Records PALS Malaysia readers outside that forum.

In getting the complete story on MPI, let’s start entering this post to know who is it about, when it takes place, what happens with it, where does it take place, why it happens, and how it happens.

The MPI is about the patient in a healthcare environment who attends an Emergency Department or an Outpatient Department or who gets admitted to the hospital. As the patient enters the healthcare environment, a medical record is started that according to Huffman (1990) “must contain sufficient data to identify the patient, support the diagnosis or reason for attendance at the health care facility, justify the treatment and accurately document the results of that treatment”. As we are aware, since the medical record is a written collection of information about a patient’s health and treatment, they are used essentially for the present and continuing care of the patient. Individuals managing an individual patient’s data may be providers, or members of a health plan. For an efficient and effective medical record system, correct identification is needed to positively identify the patient and ensure that each patient has one medical record number and one medical record ONLY.

Many countries still do not combine outpatient attendance at the Emergency Department (ED) or an Out-Patient Department (OPD) or a Consultant (Specialist) Clinic (CC) together with admission as an inpatient. A separate numbering system is used for the ED or an OPD or a CC attendance. If the ED or an OPD or CC attendance is combined with admission as an inpatient, then the medical record begins with the patient’s first admission as an inpatient or attendance as an outpatient to the health care facility. Thus, a unit record is created during his or her stays at the health facility, visits to the ED and other facilities at a hospital (Margaret 2003).

The collection of identification information from the patient is the first stage in adding to the MPI found at a single electronic system level or the facility level. MPI can extend to enterprise or health information exchange (HIE) levels. Most health facilities worldwide have electronic systems while many still maintain MPI in paper format. In either format, the MPI is the single most important resource in a healthcare setting that links the patient’s activity within this setting and across the continuum of care, since the unit record never always stays in one domain of the care provider (Margaret 2003).

I shall not dwell too much into the basics of a MPI but will continue in the following post of these series of posts, to talk about the pitfalls as each provider tends to have its own way of assigning a unique numeric or alphanumeric medical record number in the absence of a local, or regional or a national patient identifier to a patient during the creation of a new patient file. I think I will also cover the essential building blocks for a clean, reliable and workable MPI, and how important is it to have one and much more, leading to trends in MPI development as discussed in the ListServ mentioned right at the beginning of this post.


  1. Huffman, EK, 1990, Medical Record Management, 9th edn, Physicians’ Record Company, Berwyn. Illinois.
  2. International Federation of Health Information Management Associations (IFHIMA), Education Module for Health Record Practice, Paper 1, Module 2 – Patient Identification, Registration and the Master Patient Index, IFHIMA, 2014, viewed 18 August 2014, <>
  3. Medical Records Manual: A Guide for Developing Countries, 2006, World Health Organisation, Western Pacific Region, Manila, Philippines
  4. Margaret, AS (ed.) 2003, Health Information Management: principles and organisation for health information services, 5th edn, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco

JCI Standard GLD.3.2 – leadership role in the dynamics of communication within a hospital, Part 2

effective communication

Image credit: Carnegie Speech Company

Effective communication throughout the hospital occurs when individuals possess high-level competency to perform their communications role and when information or meaning has been shared by at least two people.

To perform their communications role with high-level communication competence, they must possess a cluster of related knowledge, skills, and attitudes or motivation. High-level communication competence is to possess the knowledge to know behaviours that are effective and appropriate for a given situation, the skill to apply the behaviour in the given context with the ability to be sensitive to the perspectives of others, and to have the attitudes or motivation to communicate in a competent manner. For example to have the attitude or motivation to communicate in a competent manner when we leave voice mail, the effectiveness of the communication is when two parties (the receiver and the sender) are responsible. The receiver is responsible as he or she responds back to the sender, as the sender cannot know whether the message has been conveyed as intended if there is no feedback from the receiver.

High-level communication competency is also accomplished by choosing communication behaviours that convey messages clearly and precisely, by offering and seeking clarifications to ensure a high probability that messages are interpreted as intended leaving interpretation less open to chance.

We already know that hospitals are most frequently and typically divided into cohesive subgroups such as departments, services, or units for effective and efficient daily delivery of clinical services and management of the hospital as an organisation. These subgroups consist of clinical departments such as medicine, nursing subgroup(s); diagnostic services or departments such as radiology, pharmacy services, and ancillary services such as transportation, among others.

Leadership of these subgroups to collaboratively guide the hospital in meeting the hospital’s mission, strategies, plans, and other relevant information is distributed among a group of leaders collectively accountable for their expectation(s). Each subgroup is managed under the direction of a department/service leader(s) and assisted by a manager(s) as found at most larger hospitals.

Each hospital will have its unique set of hospital leadership individuals with a variety of responsibilities and accountability. Hospital leadership individuals usually consists of an individual to represent the medical staff of the hospital, a chief nursing officer representing all levels of nursing in the hospital, senior administrators, and any other individuals the hospital selects.

In order to set the parameters of effective communication, there must be coordination of clinical services which comes from an understanding of each department’s mission and services and collaboration in developing common policies and procedures, understanding the hospital organisational goals, and to be aware of their responsibilities to patients and other employees among all subgroups of the hospital.

Given this understanding about effective communication within a hospital setting, I think the hospital leadership is the most suitable to be given the responsibility to ensure effective communication throughout the hospital.

In exercising effective communication, the hospital leadership must understand the dynamics of communication between professional groups; between structural units, such as departments; between professional and nonprofessionals groups; between health professionals and management; between health professionals and families; and between health professionals and outside organisations.

One example of facilitating co-ordination between the above mentioned groups is the case in medicine for the patient medical record making information about patients available to the increasing number of personnel involved in treatment and payment. Alison, Jon and Virginia (2010) recognised the importance of medical records which operate as important ‘boundary objects’ crossing “organisational boundaries and which can be accessed by a variety of users, including doctors, reimbursement agents, insurance companies, legal professionals, medical researchers, billing coders, audit contractors, and the patient.” (eds. Alison, Jon and Virginia 2010, p. 134 ). Alison, Jon and Virginia (2010) also noted from findings of a study of record – keeping practices in a psychiatric clinic, that hospitals must enforce ‘institutional accountability’ to ensure their medical records are competent accounts of a given medical encounter. This accountability covers formatting of medical records to widely recognisable standards so that they are recognisable and meaningful to other healthcare professionals and to the increasing number of potential ‘witnesses’ to the event increases when the encounter becomes an accessible record crossing organisational boundaries.

Hospital leadership also serves as role models with the effective communication of the hospital’s mission, strategies, plans, and other relevant information to staff, ensures that processes are in place for communicating relevant information throughout the hospital in a timely manner, and develops a culture that emphasizes cooperation and communication among clinical and non-clinical departments services and individual staff members to coordinate and to integrate patient care.

If you are reading this post as a Health Information Management (HIM) / Medical Records (MR) practitioner department/service leader of your hospital, I am sure you are already automatically selected to be a part of the hospital leadership. This means you need to be trained and learn a cluster of related knowledge, skills, and attitudes or motivation to possess a high-level communication competence for your communications role.

And, if you are indeed this HIM / MR practitioner I referred to above and working at at a hospital which is already Joint Commission International Accreditation (JCI) accredited or seeking JCI accreditation status or undergoing re-survey for accreditation status, then you need to be aware that you will no longer be working with the “Management of Communication and Information (MCI)” team of your hospital to coordinate and monitor the JCI Standard MCI.4 and Standard MCI.5, simply because the MCI Chapter not found in the 5th edition JCI as it was in the previous edition (4th edition). The MCI Chapter is now known as the “Management of Information” (MOI) chapter in the 5th edition as I have posted in the post JCI Standard GLD.3.2 – leadership role in the dynamics of communication within a hospital, Part 1 (this link will open in a new tab of your current browser window).

To reiterate, the Standard MCI.5 now combines with MCI.4 in the Governance, Leadership, and Direction (GLD) chapter of the 5th edition “to better align hospital leadership requirements; revises standard, intent, and MEs to clarify expectations” (JCI 2013, p.161) to form the Standard GLD.3.2 in the 5th edition which states that “Hospital leadership ensures effective communication throughout the hospital.

Perhaps you as a HIM /MR practitioner have been recently active in ensuring effective communication in your hospital as been part of (i) formal activities for example as a leader or member of standing committees and joint teams, and (ii) informal activities for example publishing newsletters and posters as methods, for promoting communication among services and individual staff members of the hospital.


  1. Joint Commission International, 2010, Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards For Hospitals, 4th edn, JCI, USA
  2. Joint Commission International, 2013, Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards For Hospitals, 5th edn, JCI, USA
  3. Pamela McHugh, S & Linda.N., 2010, Communication for nurses : how to prevent harmful events and promote patient safety, F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA, USA
  4. Ricky, WG & Gregory, M, 2014, Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations, 11th edn,, South-Western, Cengage Learning, Mason, OH, USA
  5. Alison, P, Jon, H & Virginia, TG (eds), 2010, Communication in healthcare settings : policy, participation, and new technologies, Wiley-Blackwell, West Sussex, United Kingdom