Patient Medical Record Review Form – JCI Hospital Survey Process Guide, 5th Edition, Part 3

To conclude the series of posts on the Patient Medical Record Review Form (MRRF) found in the Joint Commission International (JCI) Hospital Survey Process Guide (HSPG), Fifth Edition manual, I like to present two (2) more infographics showing the remaining thirty-nine (39) JCI Hospital Accreditation Standards (HAS), Fifth Edition from the total of 61 JCI HAS, Fifth Edition found in the MRRF.

The post Patient Medical Record Review Form – JCI Hospital Survey Process Guide, 5th Edition, Part 1 (the link will open in a new tab of your current browser window) brought you the infographic showing the first set of twenty-two (22) JCI HAS represented by 22 football players played by Team A versus Team B on a football pitch.

As you will know from reading Part 1 of this series of posts, I had decided then to graphically represent a total of 61 JCI HAS found in this form as Infographics showing a football match played by two teams each consisting of not more than eleven players (standards) – one of whom is the goalkeeper, using the 4-2-3-1 formation.

To continue the series of infographics to show the remaining JCI HAS from the total of 61 JCI HSA, below is an infographic showing some twenty-two (22) JCI HAS from the remaining 39 JCI HAS of the total of 61 JCI HAS found in the Patient MMRF. In this infographic, I have shown these 22 JCI HAS represented by 22 football players, 11 players on either side of Team C and Team D. Click on the image which will open a new tab of your current browser window, and to view a larger image just click on the magnifying glass which appears over the image.

MMRF-football-pitch-Team-C-vs-Team-DThe infographic below shows some seventeen (17) JCI HAS minus the 22 JCI HAS (used for Team C and Team D as described above) from the remaining 39 JCI HAS of the total of 61 JCI HAS found in the Patient MMRF. In this infographic, I have shown these 17 JCI HAS represented by 17 football players, nine (9) players on Team E and eight (8) players on Team D. I am applying The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) Law 3 – the number of players which states that “A match is played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. A match may not start if either team consists of fewer than seven players.”. Click on the image which will open a new tab of your current browser window, and to view a larger image just click on the magnifying glass which appears over the image.

MMRF-football-pitch-Team-E-vs-Team-FTo end, you can view a sample of this particular form from this link which will open in a new tab of your current window) as recommended in the JCI’s HSPG, 5th Edition, effective 1 April 2014.


  1. Joint Commission International, 2010, Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards For Hospitals, 4th edn, JCI, USA
  2. Joint Commission International, 2013, Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards For Hospitals, 5th edn, JCI, USA
  3. Joint Commission International, 2010, Hospital Survey Process Guide (HSPG), 4thd edn, JCI, USA
  4. Joint Commission International, 2014, Hospital Survey Process Guide (HSPG), 5th edn, JCI, USA