The JCI Manuals, 5th Edition are effective 1 April 2014

JCIH14EBJCIHSPG14Joint Commission International (JCI) Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 5th Edition and The Joint Commission International Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide, 5th Edition are both now effective starting 1 April 2014.

JCI claims that the Accreditation Standards for Hospitals, 5th Edition is trimmed to contain lesser standards, has better structure and logical flow between standards requirements, and now incorporates two new chapters to cater for Academic Medical Center Hospitals

The JCI Accreditation Hospital Survey Process Guide, 5th Edition manual like the previous edition is designed to help hospitals learn about and be better prepared for the JCI survey process. However, it now contains help for Academic Medical Center Hospitals prepare for their surveys.


  1. Joint Commission International, 2014, viewed 30 March 2014, <>