JCI Standard MCI.1 – Communication with the Community

It is natural to think of the Public Relations (PR) department of a hospital when a hospital needs to deal with a community it serves to facilitate access to care and access to information about its patient care services. Thus, it is not surprising to pass the buck to a representative of the PR department of a hospital sitting in a Management Of Communication And Information (MCI) Committee to deal with, and in order to comply with the Joint Commission International (JCI) Standard MCI.1 which states “The organization communicates with its community to facilitate access to care and access to information about its patient care services.”

I think if you are a leader championing the JCI MCI standards, this leader must not merely delegate this MCI standard to the PR department representative to deal with, but must also nurture as teacher, mentor, colleague, and friend to guide and be responsible to coach in the implementation and compliance of this standard, thus to care for and encourage the growth or development of MCI standards for the hospital. In this scenario, it is important for this leader to be knowledgeable in PR by at least researching the subject matter and linking his or her literature reviews with this standard.

From my interactions with representatives of PR department of hospitals, they normally deal with the management of both internal and external communications. They told me they are responsible for promotions of the hospital and implementation of the hospital’s marketing programmes that are related to overall mission and vision of the hospital, also manage and improve the flow of information within the hospital and between the hospital and the community it serves. Public relations professionals also serve as liaisons to the community and work closely with other health partners in the locality in preventive health. The responsibilities of a PR person in a hospital setting includes writing and distributing news release, feature articles to the press, compiling press list, witting of newsletters, handling and maintaining a media information service, arranging press, radio and television interviews for management, preparing marketing plans for various programmes and create strategies in promotional and marketing efforts. In summary, the PR department is responsible for community relations, hospital publications, media relations special events and support for fundraising.

Since the measurable elements for this standard requires a hospital to (i) implement  a communication strategy, (ii) provide information on its services, hours of operation, and the process to obtain care through mass media interventions, such as those delivered by leaflets, booklets, posters, billboards, newspapers, radio and television, and (iii) provide information on the quality of its services, “the quality of services as is always determined by certain attributes that they have or should have. The most important attributes health services should have, are accessibility and availability,usage facility, public’s acceptance and all these always in relation to their cost.” (Athina and Andriani, 2012, p. 205) which is provided to the public and to referral sources with defined communities  and populations of interest,  I personally think that the PR department in a hospital is best suited to manage and measure this standard based on what I have already said in the preceding paragraph.

With all what I wrote above and what I intend to say in the next paragraph, let me remind you that all of us serving in the socioeconomic system of healthcare, including doctors and patients carry on our lives as person-systems within a hierarchy of multiple and overlapping systems of family, community and wider society. The internal needs of patients as person-systems, i.e. the patient is unwell, the patient’s family, workmates, employers and hospitals will tend to accept the sick role of this patient. After a defined length of time, the patient seeks the professional endorsement of a doctor for a clinical transaction, which is a subsystem of the hierarchy of systems comprising health care.  At the end of the day, the person-systems of doctor and patient constituting of the patient, members of family, community systems and professional (e.g. the doctor) or economic systems, all support a speedy and complete return to health for the patient.

Members of the MCI Committee must be aware that the approach it chooses in understanding and measuring as well as complying with this standard, is driven by the care delivery for the population served by the hospital in advising patients on how to leverage the system to ensure coordination of care across the continuum, integrated across the continuum among defined communities and populations of interest with healthcare specialists in the hospital.

So what is this “defined communities and populations of interest”,  if you are a member of  a  MCI Committee, you need to focus on?

Marie and Sandra (2011, pp. 46-47) define population of interest as “a population at risk or those with a common risk factor leading to the threat of a particular health issue. It also may be defined as a population of interest known as a healthy population who may in fact improve their health by making certain choices that will further promote health and/or protect against disease or injury. For example, an adolescent population that engages in alternative sports and chooses to wear protective gear avoids serious injury.”

I have been asked how and what does the PR department do in order to understand patterns and trends within this population of interest. First, I think it is the best interest of the PR department to be comfortable enough with information technology to collect and organise data, initiate and develop appropriate databases for their practice to better assess and serve the population of interest. I also think the PR department must design cross-sectional studies at finding out the prevalence of a phenomenon, problem, attitude or issue by taking a snap-shot or cross-section of the population. Pre-test/post-test studies could also be undertaken to measure the efficacy of a program on the same population to determine if a change has occurred.

I have also been asked how and what does the PR department do when identifying defined communities. My advice is that the PR department must be involved in gathering census data that provide the PR department with evidence about the overall health status of the population living in a particular community. The PR department could use the Internet which provides a wealth of data such as geography and history of a community as well as census track boundaries and data.

Armed with knowledge on defined communities  and populations of interest, the PR department  must surely be able to show evidence that there is (i) a communication strategy to reach the defined communities  and populations of interest , (ii) information on its services, hours of operation, and the process to obtain care, and (iii) information on the quality of its services, which is provided to the public and to referral sources with defined communities  and populations of interest, in order to fully comply with Standard MCI.1.

All this is possible when the hospital and the PR department jointly develop and revise strategic and operational plans to address community needs for a healthier community within larger geographic or political areas as reflected in the hospital’s mission and required by the JCI Standard GLD.3.1 which states that “Organization leaders plan with community leaders and leaders of other organizations to meet the community’s health care needs.”, thus recognising that they have responsibility for and can achieve an impact on the community.


  1. Athina, L & Andriani, D, 2012, Quality assurance in healthcare service delivery, nursing, and personalized medicine: technologies and processes, Medical Information Science Reference, Hershey, PA, USA
  2. Joint Commission International, 2010, Joint Commission International Accreditation Standards For Hospitals, 4th edn, JCI, USA
  3. Kingsley, N & Sam, S 2009, Problems With Patients: Managing Complicated Transactions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK
  4. Louise, LI & Carolyn, LB 2008, Public Health Nursing: Leadership, Policy & Practice, Delmar Cengage Learning, New York, USA  
  5. Marie, TL & Sandra, BL (eds.) 2011, Public health nursing : practicing population-based care, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, Sudbury, MA, USA
  6. Stephan, J & Frank,  MG 2011,  Information and Communication Technologies in Healthcare, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA

ICD 11 – The Content Model, Part 2

ICD 11 book coverIn this second part of the ICD 11 Content Model posts, I will aim to provide an insight into the basic structure of the model.

As you can read from the post ICD 11 – The Content Model, Part 1 (this link will open in a new tab of your current window), the revision process of the The 11th revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD ) is a broad participatory Webbased development process by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

This collaborative development of new content and proposed changes for ICD 11 is the responsibility of a Revision Steering Group (RSG) within the WHO ICD Revision Organisation Structure, which serves as the planning and steering authority in the update and the run-up to the revision process of ICD 11.

Today the Beta Draft of ICD 11 is available as the culmination of an information infrastructure and workflow processes started initially by Topic Advisory Groups (TAGs) for various specialty areas. The Webbased development of ICD 11 which is still open for comments and suggestions by interested parties in a social process on the Web, is integrated with knowledge of (i) diseases and health conditions, the eotiology and the anatomical and physiological aspects of the disease, (ii) input of all chapters and codes from existing clinical modifications of the ICD, and (iii) mappings to other terminologies and ontologies from other WHO-FIC (Family of International Classifications) members into computer systems, thus creating draft classifications for field testing as it is available in the Beta Draft of ICD 11.

I can prefigure the complex problems of developing ICD 11, which surely was undertaken and managed by using systematic approaches to deal with its development in a prescribed way and by using analytical techniques to identify and dissect the orderly arrangement of the mass of data already in a confused state into logical patterns thus promoting understanding and pointing the way to an appropriate decision within a clearly defined framework and a concrete context, the ICD 11 Content Model.

Thus, the Health Informatics and Modeling Topic Advisory Group (HIM-TAG) – also a part of the WHO ICD Revision Organisation Structure,  was entrusted to develop the ICD-11 Its task was to ensure that the Content Model remains the critical component of ICD 11 that specifies the structure and details of the information that should be maintained for each ICD category in the revision process.

The WHO (2013) describes the Content Model as a structured framework that captures the knowledge that underpins the definition of an ICD entity in the following ways:

  • includes the full scope of health care diseases and related health conditions (such as traditional medicine entries) so as to be as congruent with the overall structure 
  • ICD 11 entities are represented in a standard way from the currently set of different 13 defined dimensions or  main “parameters”, each parameter expressed using standard terminologies known as “value sets” by observing basic taxonomic and ontological principles including:
    1. key definitions: disease, disorder, syndrome, sign, symptom, trauma, external cause,
    2. separation of disability and joint use with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF),
    3. attributes  – etiology, pathophysiology, intervention response, genetic base, and

    4. linkages to other classifications and ontologies, including that of for Primary Care, Clinical Care and Research
  • the Content Model enables content experts to view and curate i.e to pull together and sift through and select for presentation its contents using software tools that allows automatic error checking and enforces constraint enforcement thus maintaining the correctness or validity of the stored data (integrity ). 

Each category ICD 11 entity in the Content Model will be described by 13 different, defined dimensions or main “parameters” as can be seen below.


More in the next post on the ICD 11 Content Model.


  1. World Health Organisation, 2012, Content Model, viewed 18 March 2013, < http://www.who.int/classifications/icd/revision/contentmodel/en/index.html >

Healthcare Big Data – Part 1

Big Data 3Vs cardboard-box-iconTo continue from from the introductory post Big Data – Introduction (this link will open in a new tab of your current browser window) and Big Data – Big Data Basics (this link will open in a new tab of your current browser window), this first part will introduce the subject of big data in healthcare and end there.

As you would surely be aware even as a Health Information Management (HIM) / Medical Records (MR) practitioner from your practice of managing medical records that an individual patient’s clinical signs and symptoms, medical and family history, and data from laboratory and imaging evaluation found in his or her medical record is used by the attending doctor to diagnose and then treat the patient’s illnesses. This traditional clinical diagnosis and management approach to treatment has been and still is often a reactive approach, i.e., the doctor starts treatment/medication after the signs and symptoms appear.

However given the genetic variability between individuals and advances in medical genetics and human genetics eversince the Human genome project completed in 2003, medical genetics and human genetics have since provided both scientists and clinicians to understand health and manage disease, that is to say that it has been providing a more detailed understanding of the roles of genes in normal human development and physiology and the risk for many common diseases, not in the same way diseases have been understood in the traditional reactive approach.

Standard test data – of an individual patient’s clinical signs and symptoms, medical and family history, patient discharges, real-time clinical transactions and data from laboratory and imaging evaluation found in his or her medical record, and data in personalised medicine or PM when medical decisions, practices, and/or products are tailored or customised to the individual patient with the use of genetic information (genomic data) – from the study of biological data of the complete set of DNA within a single cell of an organism of the individual, or a combination of the two, creates vast collections of data – Healthcare Big Data..

Healthcare Big Data has tremendous potential to add value from analysing and mining these vast collections of data now available to hospitals in general.

But Healthcare Big Data must be managed, leveraged and integrated to help personalise care (as in PM), engage patients, reduce variability and costs, and ultimately improve quality.

In order to manage, leverage and integrate Healthcare Big Data, Big Data solutions are needed to transform health care with big data. Big Data solutions apply analytics to examine, better analyse and understand the large amounts of data of unstructured clinical data in the form of images, scanned documents, and encounter or progress notes in its native state, integrate it with operational structured data based on historical and current trends, to uncover whatever hidden patterns, unknown correlations and other useful information, and then they help predict what might occur in the future with a trusted level of greater reliability. Healthcare Big Data analytics is all useful information because such information can provide competitive advantages over rival hospital organisations and result in business benefits, for example more effective marketing and thus generate increased revenue.

In the next post on Healthcare Big Data, I shall be blogging about the challenges in aggregating the Healthcare Big Data from multiple sources.


  1. Denise, A 2013, Leveraging big data analytics to improve healthcare delivery, ZDNet,  viewed 30 March 2013, < http://www.zdnet.com/leveraging-big-data-analytics-to-improve-healthcare-delivery-7000013072/ >
  2. Geoffrey, SG and Huntington, FW (eds.) 2010, Essentials of Genomic and Personalized Medicine, Academic Press, Elsevier Inc, San Diego, CA, USA
  3. Lorraine, F, Michele, O’C,  & Victoria, W 2012, Data, Bigger Outcomes, American Health Information Management Association, viewed 18 November 2012, < http://library.ahima.org/xpedio/groups/public/documents/ahima/bok1_049741.hcsp?dDocName=bok1_049741 >
  4. Margaret, R, 2012,  DEFINITION big data analytics, TechTarget, viewed 1 April 2013, < http://searchbusinessanalytics.techtarget.com/definition/big-data-analytics >
  5. Neil, V 2013, Big Data Use In Healthcare Needs Governance, Education, InformationWeek, viewed 30 March 2013, < http://www.informationweek.com/healthcare/clinical-systems/big-data-use-in-healthcare-needs-governa/240151395 >