I’ve been enthusiastic for the past few years ever since I started on setting up this website with website pages, and which also contains a blog for posts, which is why I call this mrpalsmy.com website a website-blog.
Maintaining a website-blog practically forces you to develop routines and content plans. These routines can be mimicked in my dietary planning as I am senior citizen and need to be aware and control food intakes, workout regimens to keep a healthy body going, personal discipleship, and relationships with the spouse and kids as well as friends and realtives. A successful website-blog may not always mean more page views. Personal growth through the discipline of updating a website and blogging can be success in and of itself. My blog posts here at mrpalsmy.com had since created a routine for blogging and updating a personal-professional-life website from the beginning, for which I am grateful.
All that being said, I’ve been a sporadic blogger of mrpalsmy.com for the past two years, during 2016 and 2017. The reason I stopped blogging as well updating mrpalsmy.com was as I thought I had covered most needs and guidance on aspects of Health Information Management (HIM) development as well in matters relating to HIM and healthcare quality activities for a developing country like Malaysia. As we look ahead to 2018, I do have positive reasons that I really should consider blogging in 2018 as well updating mrpalsmy.com. And I am encouraged to continue to post to the mrpalsmy.com blog, as I think blogging forces me to think more about a subject. I am also encouraged to update mrpalsmy.com with more and new updated information to the website pages I have created. Since this is a personal website, I believe it adds credibility in my professional life. I think having a professional-looking website helps add credibility. When it comes to dining, we eat with our eyes first. A meal that looks appetising will psychologically taste better than one that doesn’t—even if it’s the same dish. The same goes with a personal website or blog. If you have an eye-catching site, you will be taken more seriously than if you don’t.
Another reason to continue to update and blog in mrpalsmy.com is my readers. There is no way I will ever meet all of my readers or visit every country my readers live in. But the number of people I “have met” through this site is incalculably greater than it would be if mypalsmy.com did not exist. Thus, if my website blog content is high-quality, I believe my readers are going to look forward to newly published content on my blog as well this website. But surely I am not going to give my regular readers what they want by publishing as often as I can, without sacrificing quality. I think posting at least once a week is going to be sufficient to establish a regular core of my readers, and these readers are typically the ones who will form the core of my brand community.
In terms of capturing the most traffic, more blog posts and regular updates to the website is going to be generally better; more times the inbound linking and indexing opportunities. To use a fishing metaphor, it’s like casting more hooks into the water; the more you cast, the more fish you’ll catch. Of course, this assumes that all of my blog posts and website updates are equal in quality. If the number of posts I make is like the number of hooks in the water, then the quality of my content is like the tastiness of the bait I use on my hook.
To end this blog post, I know that getting the ball rolling is often the hardest part, because it means coming up with a topic or title for my next blog post.
But I have updated already the Events Page of mrpalsmy.com and also posted some featured news in the footer section of mrpalsmy.com, for a start.
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